Here's What We've Been Up To...
Our First Program in Our New Wilcox-Bushley Homestead Environmental Learning Center!

Students from the Agaram Tamil PadasalaI's Youth Leadership Team provided CYBER SECURITY BASICS training to the Farmington Land Trust community as part of the “Teens Teach Tech” program from ConnectedNations. The Agaram team is the first CT team in the 20-year history of the program! Take-home tip: Change your passwords frequently!
Steward Training at the WBH
Stewardship of our 68 properties is a tenet of our mission. Every year we host a gathering and training session with our amazing volunteer land stewards. Steve Nelson, our Stewardship Chair, welcomed and thanked everyone for their contribution to the FLT. Sign Development and Maintenance Chair, Peter Dorpalen presented How to Complete the Steward Report, Trail Development, and Maintenance Chair, Mike Randich presented Finding Property Boundaries, and Invasive Species Management Chair, Barbara

Nicholson presented Identifying Invasive Species On Your Property. We walked into the West District Nature Preserve for a hands-on demonstration on how to identify invasive species. Chili and drinks completed the day. If you are interested in volunteering as a steward of a property please contact our office at:
Barbara Nicholson Identifies invasives to our stewards.
Open House for Town Council, Board of Education, and Town Leaders

We opened our doors to show off our new Headquarters and Environmental Learning Center to our town leaders. We hope to show you our center at one of our many programs.
Solar Eclipse Viewing
Over 100 community members joined us at the Wilcox Bushley Homestead for a family-friendly afternoon. The FLT collaborated with the Farmington Library Children's Librarians to create an afternoon with eclipse-themed storytelling and craft, guided nature walks with scavenger hunts, and most importantly, eclipse glasses to watch the solar eclipse. As the moon covered the sun, guests played corn hole, took tours of the Learning Center, and enjoyed Nature. Thank you to the Premier Cricket Academy teens for volunteering, we couldn't have done it without you.
Preserving Our Legacy Annual Fundraiser for Our Mission to be held on Friday, 11-8-24
